java,embedded c,89x51 microcontroller
android application,bootstrap,mysql serv
pwm,embedded c,89x5x microcontroller
android application,bootstrap,mysql serv
joomla,mysql server,cloud server
embedded c,8051 family,java
android application,mysql server
Project Platform : JAVA EMBEDDED C 89X51 FAMILY CHIP
Project Cost : 16000
The project is aimed to automate the office environment. The Office systems are among the newest and most rapidly expanding computer based information systems. The backbone of office automation is the LAN which allows users to transmit data. The project identifies the employee entering the office greets the user with his name and the login time, intimates the schedules for the day via SMS, automatically starts the computer for the employee, turns-off the monitor at the employee absence and will turn on the monitor on the employee presence. The attendance for all employees is done automatically. All these activities mentioned have been made very simple and effective by the use of computers.
No longer are a sharp pencil and a legal pad enough to make you competitive as a business organization. As computers have infiltrated and entrenched themselves in the world of big business so also have they trickled down to companies and made themselves a necessity in every business setting.
The Project makes use of sensors, computers, LAN to automate the whole office environment. The project identifies the employee entering the office automatically, it greets the user with his name and the login time, it intimates the user with the schedules for the day through the SMS. It boots computer automatically. The attendance for all employees is done automatically.
Figure 2.1: Project Block Diagram
The employee enters, swaps his RF-card containing the user identification into the RF- reader the information is read using the Communication API’s .Using the identification the users schedules are collected and sent as a SMS to the Mobile using JSMS Engine API.
Java socket program is used to turn on the computer automatically as the employee enters. The employee is greeted using the Java Speech API as he logs-in. Also, the boss is informed about the presence of the employee through an SMS. The presence of the employee is sensed by the Microcontroller. The Microcontroller ports are connected to the computers of the employees. The computer of the particular employee is turned on due to his presence through Relay Switches.
• The mapped tag is received by the database server (PC)
• Application does some data analysis against that tag
Data analysis includes marking of attendance and updating the record of that particular tag holder.