embedded c,89x51 chip family
java, java image processing
android application,mysql server
embedded c,8051 family,java
pwm,embedded c,89x5x microcontroller
android,java,embedded c,89x51 chip,webba
android application,bootstrap,mysql serv
Languages Used : JAVA
Project Cost : 8000
The goal of our project is to proactively disseminating the broken link information to the nodes that have that link in their caches. To meet the diverse quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of emerging multimedia applications, communication networks should provide end-to-end QoS guarantees. QoS routing is the first step towards this goal. The route computing overhead caused by on-demand calculation of QoS routes, especially in large networks with heavy traffic, is a concern and can cause scalability problems. This paper addresses this problem by introducing novel distributed cache architecture. The distributed nature of the proposed cache architecture facilitates its deployment in large networks.
When a link failure is detected, the algorithm notifies all reachable nodes that have cached the link in a distributed manner. We show that the algorithm outperforms QOS with path caches, an adaptive timeout mechanism for link caches. We conclude that proactive cache updating is key to the adaptation of on-demand routing protocols to mobility.
Existing System:-
TCP performance degrades significantly in Mobile Ad hoc Networks due to the packet losses. Most of these packet lossesresult from the Route failures due to network mobility
TCP assumes such losses occur because of congestion, thus invokes congestion control mechanisms such as decreasing congestion windows, raising timeout, etc, thus greatly reduce TCP throughput.
However, after a link failure is detected, several packets will be dropped from the network interface queue; TCP will time out because of these packet losses, as well as for Ack losses caused by route failures.
Problem description:-
Previous network topologies used a simple algorithm that is able to produce an acceptable solution to a problem which may predict the lifetime of a route but for which there is no formal proof of its correctness and accurately because topology changes are unpredictable.
Previous network topologies also proposed to provide link failure feedback to TCP so that TCP can avoid responding to route failures as if congestion had occurred.
Proposed System:-
We defined a new cache structure called a cache table to maintain the information necessary for cache updates. We presented a distributed cache update algorithm that uses the local information kept by each border node to send message through the route which has maximum bandwidth available. The algorithm enables LSR to adapt quickly to topology changes
We propose proactively disseminating the broken link information to the nodes that have that link in their caches. We define a new cache structure called a cache table and present a distributed cache update algorithm. Each node maintains in its cache table the Information necessary for cache updates.
When a link failure is detected, the algorithm notifies all reachable nodes that have cached the link in a distributed manner. The above problem can be solved through
Quality Of Service(QOS)
Distributed Cache updating algorithm
Advantage of Proposed System
Proactive cache updating also prevents wrong routes from being propagated to other nodes
We defined a new cache structure called a cache table to maintain the information necessary for cache updates. We presented a distributed cache update algorithm that uses the local information kept by each node to notify all reachable nodes that have cached a broken link. The algorithm enables QOS to adapt quickly to topology changes.
The algorithm quickly removes stale routes no matter how nodes move and which traffic model is used.
1) JAVA (J2EE).
Processor: PETIUM IV(Min 2)
Ram: Min 128MB RAM
Hard Disk: Min 10GB OF HARDDISK